Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The thinker

The thinker left pondering
Why was he created
left in a eternal pose of confusion and befuddlement
is there a question only he an answer
If so the should call him, the answer rather than the thinker
or was he made to make us think
about him or  go crazy trying
molded in iron
he can not give an explanation to why he sits this way
when he is seen the role reverses
making the veiwer the thinker instead
if only this iron man
was made with an iron thought bubble
a bubble that floats like a rock

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

For when he takes his prey he plays with it to give it a chance.
For one mouse in seven escapes by his dallying. 
For when his day's work is done his business more properly begins. 
For he keeps the Lord's watch in the night against the adversary. 
For he counteracts the powers of darkness by his electrical skin and glaring eyes. 
For he counteracts the Devil, who is death, by brisking about the life. 
For in his morning orisons he loves the sun and the sun loves him. 
For he is of the tribe of Tiger.
       Before finished reading the poem i thought that the author was describing the behavior of his house cat. I generally think of tigers as a ferocious and beautiful thing that can only be observed. the author spoke with a familiarity of a pet  I found it interesting that  the made a reference to the tiger battling the devil.  Though it was described with simple words  i felt it had a deeper meaning because in some ancient civilizations cats were revered for such belifs    and actions.
       When i think abut it the tiger could also represents judgment because it gives the mice a chance and sometimes the get free but most get caught. It almost like in court when the judge decides whether or not you go to jail  or whether or not you have to pay a fine. Coming back to the cats being revered idea the tiger greets the sun fights back the evil presence we all know is there and does this a systematically all the time. I may be over thinking but i feel that there is some thing more to this poem than first meets the eye...
       Remebering growing up with family( not my immediate because i don't particularly like them) that had a lot of cats this behavior sounds very familiar to what i have seen. wheter this relates to the morals of justice or to a strange reverance to cats or just a poem expressing fondness towards a single cat it is thought provoking a interesting.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Are We Truly What We Eat (Chew On This)

              Does the menu define the person? Despite rather "unappetizing" words Chew on this has a point because all the are doing is giving you the facts. How it is interpreted is not their prerogative, but getting you to understand what you are buying and how it has changed along with our society. Not to give any thing away but as shocking as it might be we changed the beautiful majestic red jungle fowl into a morbidly obese animal that is more likely to die within its first 6 weeks of life who may never see the light of day.
               I have read this book a few times and before when I was younger and I was more apprehensive the than I am now towards it. It explains in explicit words what no company wants to be published en Mass about their products or their suppliers. But the responsibility ultimately falls upon the companies. For example a worker in a lard company fell into a vat and was turned into lard and the lard was still sold. Young workers are over worked and immigrant workers are work slaves where workers unions are weak. and a farm animal can no longer roam it is doomed to a cramped cage where it will be fattened to popping and brutally killed ways that are dangerous for the workers too.
    Knowing all this my self ant the millions of other people who read this book, might remember  the message but it will lose potency with every trip to the grocery store, the restaurant chain that we frequent, and any where else food is not grown on the premises, because a leopard can't change it's spots and no one is perfect.