Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Red Pyramid By Rick Riordan ( could spoil book if thought about too much!!!)

           The book discusses the long story  of Carter and Sadie Kane, how they were separated at a very young age due to the mysterious actions of their parents. When their parents left that night their mother died and unleashed a trapped Egyptian god, Bast the god of Felines, who swore loyalty to Sadie Kane to keep her self from further exile and took on the form of a house cat named muffin. When their father finally reunited the two siblings he tried to unleash another Egyptian god and it backfired. He summoned the Egyptian god of chaos, Set, who the imprisoned and banished him. Leaving the siblings to find him and defeat his captor.
            I can relate because growing up I had two cousins very close in age to me, Adam and Bryan. We were the Three Musketeers as many of our aunts fondly called us because we were inseparable. The blue ice pop tongues  the football, baseball, swimming. At some point they all moved away to different parts of the country , one to Colorado, one the capitol, Washington D.C., and our conversations became few and years  apart. Not just because of the distance because of our new and changing interest. Bryan became and avid hockey player while me and Adam pursued music. We have been trying to gather up for years never deciding on a place. Almost as if we were all imprisoned  and could not escape but like moths to flame we keep trying. 
          Carter and Sadie  Also pursue their father not caring about the dangers that may befall them because even though neither has a very close relationship with their father the world rests on his freedom.  Through the journey the realize their powers and their relationships to the Egyptian gods and their heritage of Pharaohs and other hosts of gods throughout time. They get to a point where they connect in way they could not before because they only saw each other a limited amount of times a year. They become an effective team as warriors and brother and sister.

1 comment:

  1. Andwele,

    I really like the connection you made between you and your cousins to the characters in the book.
